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Eid And The Importance Of Gifts And Eidi
Eid And The Importance Of Gifts And Eidi Eid is everybody’s favorite part of the[...]
Why do Muslims carry or use prayer beads all the time?
Why do Muslims use prayer beads? Islamic Prayer beads are more than something to keep[...]
5 Myths About Islam And Muslim People
5 Myths About Islam And Muslim People Following Christianity, Islam is the world’s second-largest religion.[...]
Have you ever missed a workout because you were unsure of what to wear?
Starting your new workout regime, but having trouble looking for new modest gym wear? Since[...]
Muslim Women’s Fashion: What’s your Swimwear burkini tankini style?
Muslim Fashion: When Swimwear is More Than Attire You’ve planned your dream beach vacation –[...]
Ramadan Tips to improve Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually
Improving Your Ramadan Experience: Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually The countdown has begun and we have[...]